
Hi! My Name Is April

April is currently in a North Texas shelter waiting for TART to take her in. But we need your help! As soon as we have a foster or foster to adopt in place, April can begin her tranformation into a loved, cared for, pampered girl.  April has been used to intentionally breed puppies so she may be a "hybrid" or designer Airedale mix...not sure.  April is described as friendly and social. She is good with other dogs and walks well on a leash. More information coming soon. 

If you are interested in applying to foster, apply here: apply-to-foster-dog

To foster with the intent to adopt, apply here: https://texasairedalerescue.com/dog-adoption/

**If you do not live in the State of Texas and you think you want to adopt this dog, please check with your own state’s Airedale rescue organization first and see if there is an Airedale waiting for you right around the corner.  To be approved for adoption from another state we will need to contact your state’s rescue organization and get their approval which may or may not be granted.**


  • Airedale Terrier & Mix 
  • Female
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 04/01/2019 (Estimated)
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Texas
  • Black and Tan
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
Apply To Adopt April
DONATE NOW       Help us take care of April

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